Friday, May 23, 2008

Method of Scrabble Word Study


Here is my method of studying my 82 daily words.  I use 3 X 5 index cards with nine ruled lines per card.  On the face of the card with the nine lines I write down the alphagrams (all the letters in alphabetical order in the final word) of each word in my word list in the order I placed them on the list - in alphabetical order by alphagram.  Usually there are about 6 to 7 alphagrams for 9 words as 2 or 3 words have two or three words per alphagram so nine words easily fit on one card's face.  

On the reverse of the card, I write the nine words in order on the list so I can easily match each word to it's alphagram on the the face of the card.

On the top line of the card I write down the word group category ie 2 letter words then the date then the card number which is circled.

To study from the cards, I use a blank notebook with plenty of scrap paper.  I take out one card at random and look at the alphagrams then write down every single word that can be formed from them in order on my scrap sheet of paper.   Then I check the list with the back of the card.  After testing each word I write up a sheet listing any words that I missed to highlight on later tests with cards listing only missed words.

For one day of 82 words to study I make 9 cards exactly with the ninth card having 10 not 9 words to study.  It takes about 15 minutes to make up the cards for the day.

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